Friday, August 7, 2009


About a week ago Bee started answering questions with "huh?" Not only would she answer the questions with "huh" but anything you said to her would be followed by her saying, "huh?" I was appalled and determined to find out where in the world she learned such a word!! I was also determined to fix it, and I still am because it is still happening! My first thought was, ugh, daycare!! She picks up so many things from there! Biting, hitting, colds etc. Why wouldn't she pick up bad grammar as well, I thought. I quickly observed that the teachers there are actually pretty good at correcting the kids when they don't use "big people words." They are adamant in this age group that the kids use correct wording to convey what they are thinking and feeling. So, I crossed that off my list. Next using my Sherlock Holmes investigation skills was the T.V. Bee watches only two television programs. Mostly because that is all we want her to watch but it is her choice as well. She watches Yo Gabba Gabba and Curious George. I watch them both, A LOT, with her and never heard "huh" being used in "Dabba Dabba," as Bee lovingly refers to it. I did, however, hear George make a sound similar to "huh." I thought, no way, our George is teaching her talk like a monkey? Husband thought that that was the case too. So, unfortunately, we would blame it on the monkey. Poor George. Until.....we were walking down the sidewalk yesterday, Bee said something to me and I didn't quite hear her, so I said...wait for it...."huh?" ME!!! It was ME all along teaching my child to sound so...... uneducated! I caught myself doing it several times through out the evening! I would ask her a question, she wouldn't answer right away and I would say "huh?" I can not believe it! What is more noticeable and most important is that she has now started to pick up things I say! So, that made me realize I need to be way more careful with my words!! Especially driving in the care! I guess calling people F'ing litterbugs or other colorful phrases about their driving will, in deed, need to be monitored by me because right now it seems they are being monitored by my child!! (As a side note; since this is a blog on speaking and grammar, I did go back and try to fix all the mistakes I may have made! There could still be some lingering though! Ha!)

1 comment:

  1. funny thing is - as soon as i started reading it, i thought, doesn't ang say 'huh' a lot? busted! it's good that while we are educating our children on how to be human, they are showing us ways to improve upon it.
